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Sensory Garden

11 Feb 2020

If you've been at Haddo recently you may have noticed we are working on the Sensory Garden.  This is a very important job for the Friends of Haddo Country Park, who, along with the Haddo VSO, are the driving force behind this crucial project.

Image result for tractor raised flower beds


We have received some funding to buy materials so we can widen the path to make it wheelchair friendly, and we are so pleased that the Ellon Rotary Club have not only given us some money, but will be vital in helping us do the work.  

Could you help?  We are having the first of our refurbishment events on the 29th of Feburary, when we will be lifting the old slabs and removing them so we are ready to dig paths.  We need people who can come along for a few hours - or as long as you can manage - so we can spread the workload across a willing team.  

If you think you could help out you would be very welcome.  We will start at 9am and work throughout the day.  Soup and sandwiches will be provided to volunteers.  Please email Suzanna on haddofriends@gmail.com if you want to come along. 

Thank you